Friday, January 8, 2010

Precious Metal Coins: Investment without a promise to pay

As gold continues to make strides as an investment alternative to currency, its historical war time legacy as a safe harbor against troubled economies is becoming more and more evident. The misunderstanding of gold, including the time to buy is now over, are of little value to a gold coin or silver coin investment facts.

Precious Metals cannot be inflated by printing more of it.  It is for this reason why it is sought after as an alternative currency today. Precious metal cannot be devalued by government decree and unlike printed currencies it is a store of value which does not depend on anybody’s promise to pay.

Gold and silver are assets which are no one else’s liability. Bonds and bank deposits are promises to repay money borrowed from the investor. Even Gold and Silver ETF’s are not always backed by enough underlying gold and silver to support the full market value of the ETF. The value of this printed category of investments relies on the fact that they are promises to repay money borrowed. Paper investments depend on the investor’s belief this promise will be fulfilled.

As hyperinflation, junk bonds and most recently Bernard Madoff’s promise to pay demonstrates these promises are questionable and can lose value quickly. Precious metals do not reside in this questionable space.  A piece of gold is not dependent on a financial system.  Its value has 5,000 years of humanity and history backing its sustainable worth.

New to our vaults and we believe to have great potential for increasing in value in these modern times is the Australia 2010 Dreaming Series. These modern world precious metal coins come in gold, silver and platinum in various weights. As with all of our world coins, we hand pick these gold coins, silver coins and platinum coins because we believe they will have the best possible investment outcome over time.

Remember, there are no guarantees about whether or not a coin or any collectible, material thing or instrument in any asset class including collectible coins as an asset class will increase in value.

1 comment:

Angelo said...

Investing in silver and gold are best options that people have today. Gold or silver can never be devalued by the government unlike other forms of currency. Gold and silver are the most sought after investment in present day.