Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Historical Performance of the CU 3000 Numismatic Coin Index

Coins are timeless in the sense they have been used and accepted as legal tender for the thousands of years. Coins can be valuable objects and depending upon one’s coin selection are often considered a solid investment in the future as well as a practical investment in history. Do Not assume that every coin will increase in value, or hold its value, or that one coin is as good an investment as another. Achieving an Investment return for your coin portfolio depends upon your coin selections and the degree to which your coin portfolio meets quantitative and qualitative criteria which have historically been and at the time of sale, continue to be indicative of monetary value creation and increase over time. Always Remember: There are no guarantees that your coin portfolio will increase in value or provide you with an acceptable rate of return over time. However, statistics and coin indices such as the CU 3000 Coin Index have demonstrated that a well diversified coin portfolio can produce compelling investment returns over time. According to the CU 3000 Index (a standard for measuring numismatic coin performance):

Since 1970, the average annual return was 10.9%, compared to 6.9% for the Dow 30 stock

From 1981 to 1989, the index gained a total of 660%, well above other, larger asset classes

Of the 15 recessions since 1919, numismatic rare coins have performed well compared to other investments

REMEMBER: Past Performance is No Guarantee of future results

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